Total Medals Earned: 299 (From 96 different games.) Total Medal Score: 3,820 Points
Medals Earned: 9/18 (110/500 points)
Buy 3 upgrades
Play Without Music
Click 10,000 Times
Clicked 1,000 Times
Catch 50 fishes
Hit the beanstalk 50 times
Mine 50 ores
Buy 10 outfit upgrades
Play game for 1 hour
Checked credits page
Earn 10,000 Stars
Buy all stronger muscle upgrades
Buy all outfit upgrades
Hire all workers
Clicked 50,000 Times
Earn 1,000,000 Stars
Cut down the giant beanstalk
Buy All Upgrades
Medals Earned: 1/21 (5/825 points)
first Kill
Jump on 10 enemies
I can double jump
jump on a wall 20 times
touch the sky
Jump on 50 enemies
Collect 1000 skulls
Fiery Combo of 10
Find the hidden button
Jump on 100 enemies
Kill 20 Spikes in one game
Collect 5000 skulls
Evolve to final level
play for an hour
Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things..
Kill every big enemy
Kill every small enemy
reach space
play for 3 hours
Kill every enemy
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/220 points)
Experience rebirth the first time.
Discover the dog who can speak in the tounge of man.
Kill a living creature with your weapon
Kill an enemy with their own projectile
Awaken her guardians
Defeat Uzaza
Complete the game with the aid of the gun
Medals Earned: 9/10 (65/115 points)
Beat Level1
Beat LEvel 2
Beat Level 3
Beat Level 4
Beat Level 5
Beat Level 6
Beat Level 7
Beat Level 8
Beat Level 9
Last more than 150 seconds in challenge mode.
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/45 points)
Complete Act 1
Complete Act 2
Complete Act 3
Medals Earned: 2/15 (50/500 points)
Enemy 15
Enemy 43
Enemy 253
Enemy 260
Enemy 274
Enemy 92
Enemy 134
Enemy 162
Enemy 176
Enemy 197
Enemy 204
Enemy 239
Enemy 281
Enemy 288
Enemy 298
Medals Earned: 1/23 (5/485 points)
purchase your first upgrade.
infect a total of 100 red bloodcells.
destroy a white bloodcell.
at first i was afraid, i was petrified.
spawn a total of 300 germs.
infect a total of 2500 red bloodcells.
upgrade damage to level 10.
have 65 germs alive at the same time.
destroy a total of 900 white bloodcells.
upgrade latency to level 11.
oh my god it's so intense!
spawn a total of 10000 germs.
upgrade immunity to level 9.
upgrade auto-infect to level 8.
survive a stage without infecting a single bloodcell.
earn 3500 EP for a single stage.
finish 5 stages in a row without dying.
start from scratch after completing stage 25.
upgrade reproduction rate to level 6.
finish the final stage of the campaign.
earn a total of 70000 EP.
Medals Earned: 11/19 (285/645 points)
It sure is animaly in here
Is it edible?
Credit where credit is due
Good job!
Oh my goodNess!
Should've kept you Locke-d up
You Won!
Yum Yum
Listen to a song used in the game
Well, maybe not THAT famous
Legend has it the Toppat's have this sword
Fail a Total of 100 Times
Get All 60 Unique Fails
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
Continue to play for 30 seconds after the movie ends.
Medals Earned: 6/22 (30/200 points)
Beat Level 1
Beat Level 2
Beat Level 10
Beat Level 11
Beat Level 12
Beat Level 13
Beat Level 14
Beat Level 15
Beat Level 16
Beat Level 17
Beat Level 18
Beat Level 19
Beat Level 20
Completed Challenge Mode. Well Done.
Completed Challenge Mode in less than 15 Minutes. Wow.